Our aim:
The centre is committed to providing exceptional service. However, sometimes mistakes are made.
When something goes wrong we need you tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
This complaints procedure is for people who feel dissatisfied with the service. You have a right to
complain and have it investigated. The centre aims to learn from any mistakes and the complaints procedure
is seen as very important in the continuous improvement cycle.
Complaints will be responded to in accordance with our policies and procedures. If you are not happy with how we’ve handled your complaint, you will be able to appeal take your complaint further. All learners can take the complaint to our awarding organisation whose details will be in each learner portfolio or if you’re a funded learner you will be able to take your complaint to the ESFA.
Mike Taylor Education is committed to:
Making raising a complaint as easy as possible
Responding immediately to any dissatisfaction in the most appropriate way
Dealing with complaint promptly, politely and, where appropriate, confidentially
Learning from any mistakes and use them to improve our services
Advising how to take the complaint further if you are not completely satisfied with our response
What is a complaint?
A complaint may be defined as ‘an expression of dissatisfaction however made, about actions
taken or a lack of action’.
Who can make a complaint?
Any customer of Mike Taylor Education can make a complaint - this includes, but is not limited to,
learners, apprentices, employers and clients.
How to complain
Firstly, raise your complaint with the member of staff responsible for the service about which you
are complaining. If the matter is not resolved, promptly or fully by them then the manager will become
involved to work with you and the individual or team to reach a satisfactory resolution. If you are not
satisfied with how your complaint has been handled you may begin the formal complaint procedure by putting
the nature of your complaint in writing to the manager.
What will happen next?
The Complaints Policy will be available to all learners and employers to access online and in
learner portfolios. Please email emily@miketayloreducation if you would like a copy emailed to
Training will be provided to all staff to ensure staff have a clear understanding of complaints, this policy and their responsibilities.
Learners and employers will be made aware of this policy at induction.
Equality and Diversity
Customers have a right to complain and have it investigated if they are unhappy with the services
they have received. They can expect to be treated fairly and without discrimination as per our
Equality and Diversity Policy.
Monitoring and Reporting
The management will continually review complaints and ensure they are dealt with in accordance with the policy. All complaints will be used to ensure we continuously improve and develop. This policy will be reviewed and monitored annually to support continual improvement.
Those responsible within the centre are:
Name: Mike Taylor
Name: Emily Taylor
The centre agrees to comply with the appeals procedure as outlined above: